Message from Principal

Dear Students,

       Thank you for your interest in the Akola Law College.  Akola Law College is a dedicated institution where the ideals of scholarly excellence, humanity and societal leadership are embraced. In the year 2005, since when the college was founded, we have built upon these ideals. The college has a long tradition of providing innovative leadership to create a centre for legal education and research, where excellence is the cherished aim. The primary aim of the College is to impart quality legal education to the students and prepare them for various careers in law. The College has earned laurels not only in academics but also in extra and co-curricular activities. In the past years, among the toppers of the SGB Amravati University many have been ALC students.

       As you explore our College, you will learn more about the faculty, our values and goals, and our academic programs. If you have any queries about Akola Law College that are not answered, I invite you to contact us. This is a special place, with special people for special people.

 Prin. Dr. Seema V. Shirsat